

To See Again the Stars

Designed by arch. Cristiano Guernieri
Mantova, Italy



In the heart of Val Padana as in the open sea.

Located between Goito and the Mincio Natural Park in the green heart of the Po Valley, this house was built in the mid-20th century using classical style. It was then converted into a 200-square-metre dwelling by architect Cristiano Guernieri. Alberto Ghelfi, the owner, shares many ideas with Guernieri, particularly their passion for the sea. That is why the wide 60-square-metre terrace overlooking the park has been used as the focus point of the renovation—the perfect place to observe the stars, as on a ship in the open sea. The view of the park can be enjoyed in every season.


Ideas of living

Indoors, every room was harmonised and broadened by replacing the different floor tiles with a unique wood floor. Tobià from the collection Mani di Fiemme, a healthy and biocompatible wood, was a natural choice. A live and lived essence, this oak tells a cautionary tale about the past for a better future where nature is respected and celebrated.

Tobià gave value and nobility to the building, enhancing the effect of the natural flow of time and stimulating, light and elegant lines, a lively harmony between tradition and modernity.

Tobià | Variegated | Ancient Touch

Tobià | Variegated | Ancient Touch

Tobià | Variegated | Ancient Touch

Tobià | Variegated | Ancient Touch

Tobià | Variegated | Ancient Touch

Tobià | Variegated | Ancient Touch



Other references

The House in the Woods Revived in the City


Designed by arch. Elsy Bugada
